Sunday, February 19, 2012

15 Facts of Nora: 16 months old

A blog that I read, The Feminist Breeder, wrote a little piece giving 15 facts about her kids. I decided to participate to remember all these wonderful, little things about my girl.

1. Nora was an early talker and late walker. She was saying multiple words by 6 months (now says probably around 100 or so) and didn't take her first steps until 15 months.

2.When she wants to nurse, day or night, she signs "Please" by rubbing her chest or mine and repeatedly saying, "Boobie? Peas? Boobie?!" If I don't comply quickly enough she starts lifting my shirt saying, "Where are you!?"

3.She has an Elmo addiction despite having only watched Elmo a handful of times.

4.Since a young age, she has always been a little observer. She kind of hangs back and takes it all in before venturing and exploring.

5. She has such thoughtful eyebrows. You can see the little wheels turning in her head. She whispers new words shes trying to learn before saying them out loud. Right now shes trying to count and say abc's whispering, "2, 8, 9, A, O, E, P"

6. We started baby-led-solids at around 7ish months and she loves playing with food. That's about where it ends.The only foods she eats on a regular basis is blueberries, apples, yogurt, sometimes green smoothies and boob milk. We did have a breakthrough and she tried eggs and sweet potato last week.

7. She loves taking a bath. Whenever I change her clothes or shes naked she looks at me with her little furrowed brow, cocks her head to the side and inquires, "Baf, mama?" She likes the water to trickle after the bath is full so she can fill up her mouth and say, "Mmm, good."

8. She likes me to paint her toenails. She watches so intently and then blows on them until they are dry.

9. Shes a little bookworm. One weird book she likes is called James Builds a Snowman. She carries it to me and says "Snowman? Snowman?" Sometimes at night if we forgot to read it she will cry and say, "Snowmannnnnnnn. Snowwwwwwmannnn!!!!"

10. She hates wearing shoes and socks and doesn't like anyone else wearing them either.

11. When I ask her for hugs she puts her head on my shoulder and says, "Awww," and pats my back. Heart. Melt.  

12. She sleeps with her little feet propped up on my side or snuggled in my armpit.

13. She loves her daddy. When he's not home she lays on his pillow and carries his shirts around.

14. She is the reason why I decided to go grain-free. She has enamel hydroplasia on her front teeth and grains exacerbate decay (as well as a bunch of other bad stuff. Post on this coming soon.

15. She changed my entire life and career path. The amazing birth experience and wonderful breastfeeding relationship we share is the reason why I am pursing my lactation consultant certification as well as other work in the birth field.


kijjet said...

Oh my gosh, that is so cute that she whispers words when she is trying to learn them!! I've never heard of a kiddo doing that! Glad to have stumbled across your blog.

Anonymous said...

Nora, you're such a stud! <--- note to Nora.

Seriously. #13? Are you freaking kidding me? Too sweet!!!