Monday, October 10, 2011

my sweetest babe is one!

Nora's first birthday was AWESOME. She slept-in with daddy and woke up in a happy mood. She got a little tired at her party and promptly nursed/passed out post-party but she did great! about 25-30 people showed up! Brittney helped make my vision come alive! I can't believe my sweetest girl is one! Everyday shes doing/saying new things. I look forward to many more years with this sweet lady.

applebutter spice cake!*
thats good mama

my lady, shes so interested and intense

daddy and the birthday girl!

mama and the birthday girl!

some more of the hats i made

chalkboard paint in frames

fruit cups

Nora with her Sassy! (My Mom)

Modeling the hats I crafted!

Nora with Luke and Lexi!           

*if you want my cake recipe, I can send it to you! its healthy and delicious!

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