Friday, April 12, 2013

Dearest Nora Noodlebug, age 2.5

My dearest Norie Noodleygirl,

I have been your mama now for a full two and a half years! (plus about 40 weeks of belly occupation.)
While some days or weeks seem so tough and we both get frustrated at the situation and sometimes with each other, this time has flown by. Daddy and I were looking at pictures of you when your were teeny the other day and I had all these feelings bubble up. I miss you so tiny and snuggly and utterly dependent on us and I equally love watching you grow everyday and become this little human. You are a part of me, walking around, doing annoying things, being a kid, learning, getting dirty, yelling, running, thinking, feeling. Sometimes I feel myself start to lose my patience but when I really dig deep and think about it, its not YOU who is the problem, its me struggling in my own flesh.  I will do my best to remember, you're acting like a 2 year old because you are 2! Sometimes I have these big expectations of you because you are so smart and then I have to remember you are really still so much a baby. You can't always remember to use your words and explain what's wrong. I will do my best to guide you and help you grow. I am committed to you, and there is honestly no other place I'd rather be. 

Here are 15 things about you as a 2.5 year old
1. You know most of the letters know and the phonetical sounds for 6-7 of them
2. At Little Gym your sweet little disposition and attentiveness GLEAM. I was kinda nervous you would be shy but you volunteer to the teacher and introduce yourself to new kids. Attached parenting really does pay off! 
3. Your compassion and attentiveness to emotion melts my heart and makes me feel so blessed.
4. When we lay down at night to have boobie and snuggle you look at me and say, "I love to snuggle you," and every stress of the day immediately melts away
5. You are finally eating more than a snack sized meal a day and are trying so many new foods! You grew an inch this month! 
6. Your obsession for all things "teeeeeeny, tiiiiiiiiny" and miniature was inherited from me.
7. You (mostly) do so well at tasks that used to be a struggle like brushing teeth and washing hair. You say, "GO AWAY PLAQUE!" when we brush.
8. You forcefully kick the covers off us multiple times a night and sleep with your feet propped up on me, same as when you were a newborn.
9. You love being outside and playing in the water.
10. You just learned to countdown from 5.
11. You really like dubstep, or as you call it, "bumpy music," and nod your little head to it
12. Sometimes when you're ready for bed, you go to my jammie drawer and grab out my jammies and bring them to me. 
13. You like to stand on the chair in the kitchen and help me cook, and you always bus your dish after you're done eating.
14. Your favorite movie is The Lorax.
15. Going to "sting" (Mustang) Library is one of your favorite weekly activities. 

I love you forever sweet girl.
All my love, 

1 comment:

mama bea said...

☺❤�� love this!! So sweet. Perfectly stated & perfect timing as a reminder! (((: