Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The birth of my firstborn daughter, Nora Grace 10-8-10

Nora turns 2.5 this week. I feel like I need to finally post our birth story. I had a 6+ page word document written soon after but it somehow got deleted. Blah. So many small details are gone but here we go!

When I was around 5-6 months pregnant I started nannying full-time for one of my good friend's babies, then aged 8 months and 2.5. I woke up on the morning of October 8th (the day before my EDD) feeling normal. I started getting ready for work and thought that I may be leaking some fluid. I called the kids dad and told him I was going to run by the midwives office and then head that way when I figured out it was all normal. I was in total denial most of my labor. I had settled into the idea that she would be 2 weeks late, as most first time mamas go 8-9 days overdue.

A few weeks prior, I had really clicked with the student midwife at the birth center and had agreed to let her attend my birth. Her name is Emily. I called the birth center and asked if I could move my afternoon 40 week appointment up to just check it out and go on my merry way. I agreed to be checked so Emily could test for amniotic fluid and the mentor midwife, Jean checked me for dilation/effacemeant. I hadn't planned on getting checked because I was worried I would get my expectations up PLUS I didn't really want any unneeded vaginal exmas but I was just really curious. Turns out I wasn't leaking fluid, just discharge. Boring. But, I was 5cm dilated and 80% effaced with a bulging bag of water. Jean looked at me and said, "You're having a baby tonight. Or this weekend at least." Denial. She asked if I wanted my membranes stripped to which I replied, "Ummmm sure." In retrospect I would have skipped this but whatever. My membranes were stripped. Which sucked. And Emily held my hand while I shouted, "This freaking sucks." Jean told me to call into work and go pick up Wes from work. She also said I should go grab a pump from target to see if nipple stimulation did anything. So I called into work and went to pick up Wes. He was working at a desk due to having been in a severe motorcycle accident 3 weeks prior. By this time it was around 11. I was having some spotting and the awesome heavy discharge so I put a pad on and went to target to grab some coconut water, fruit, and pump just in case. We got home around 12:00 and I decided I should throw together a bag and try and nap in case something happened.

At around 1:30  my first contraction hit. Hard. I looked at Wes. He was kind dozing off on the bed, watching TV. About 4 minutes later, another. I got out the timer and sat on the birth ball. I was thinking, "ok, this is the beginning! This weekend I will have a baby!" I still wasn't too excited and was trying to be calm since I figured most first time moms labor from 12-24 hours. I started timing my contractions just to see. 90 seconds long, 4 minutes apart for about an hour. I told Wes I think I need to call the midwife. I was getting through them pretty well but was just unsure due to the closeness of them. Jean answered the phone and said, "I knew I'd see you this afternoon!"

We got to the birth center around 2:30, (my concept of time from here on out is a rough estimate.) Emily checked me and found I was 7cm 100% effaced with a BULGING bag of water. They asked if I wanted to break my waters and I agreed to. In hindsight, I think I would have not because it sped my labor way up and it was intense and hard to wrap my head around. They began filling the birth tub while I rocked on the ball and chatted between contractions. One of my favorite ladies and birth assistant, Patty, was joking I wasn't 7cm because I was still laughing. Well that was over prettttty quickly after that. Wes had turned on a CD for me, the only one there that remotely sounded appealing was enya. So enya it was. On repeat. My whole labor. Once I got in the birth pool I felt relaxed and was breathing and holding Wes' hand through contractions. He was putting cool rags on my face and chest and giving me water. I got so hot and pissed I had to get out and back on the ball. I rocked while holding on to one of the big bed posts. I transitioned on the ball. I told my birth assistant and midwife that my body didn't know how to do this. I was thinking, ok, I need a c-section. This sucks. I told Wes to shut the f!*$ up. I kept saying I wanted to go home when they asked me what I wanted to do. I tried pushing a little on the bed but it didn't feel right so I decided to rock and work with gravity some more to move her down. They knew she would be here soon!

I got back in the tub but couldn't figure out how to push and brace myself etc. so I got out and got on the bed. Tried to lay on my side. No. Ow. Can't. Back on the ball and started pushing at the end of my contractions. I was doing low vocalizations and when I started to tense up, Patty reminded me to breathe my baby down and be loose and relax.  Then I wanted on the bed. Wes was sitting on one side of me and Patty was on the other. I had tunnel vision. All I could see was Patty's face and hear her saying, "You're doing this! You will be holding your baby so soon! You're a birth warrior!" I was ready to be done.  I felt soooo much pressure and Jean told me my baby was right there and it wasn't going to go away in between contractions anymore. I felt the infamous ring of fire and started pushing SO HARD. Pretty sure I was so primal and roaring/screaming out my baby at this point. Everyone kept saying how much hair she had! Her head came out and with another push so did her body at 5:47pm. She was placed on my bare chest and I was filled with the biggest love, pride, relief, and accomplishment of my life. As soon as she emerged a wave if water came up to my neck and drenched the entire side of Wes' body. Her head was blocking all the amniotic fluid from coming out when my water was broken. Her hand was up by her nose and her head was acynclitic (cockeyed) which caused me to have a second degree tear.

When I was around 5-6 months pregnant I started nannying full-time for one of my good friend's babies, then aged 8 months and 2.5. I woke up on the morning of October 8th (the day before my EDD) feeling normal. I started getting ready for work and thought that I may be leaking some fluid. I called the kids dad and told him I was going to run by the midwives office and then head that way when I figured out it was all normal. I was in total denial most of my labor. I had settled into the idea that she would be 2 weeks late, as most first time mamas go 8-9 days overdue.

of me while I was stitched, unstitched, and stitched again. I have never fallen more in love withy husband than when I saw him holding our child, with her new little face, upturned towards him. My mom, dad and sister came in to meet her after I was stitched up. My dad and sister went to get me some whataburger while we nursed for the first time and dressed her.

We left the birth center and were home in bed by around 9 that night. I didn't sleep for like 3 days because I couldn't stop staring at her face and was on such an amazing natural birth high. I wish every woman could have the opportunity to feel so powerful and triumphant. Birthing my baby naturally helped me to trust my body and see how strong and powerful I am. I am a woman. I was made to do this.

 some bleeding so I was given some drugs to help. I help this little stranger who was a part of me while I was stitched, unstitched, and stitched again. I have never fallen more in love withy husband than when I saw him holding our child, with her new little face, upturned towards him. My mom, dad and sister came in to meet her after I was stitched up. My dad and sister went to get me some whataburger while we nursed for the first time and dressed her.

We left the birth center and were home in bed by around 9 that night. I didn't sleep for like 3 days because I couldn't stop staring at her face and was on such an amazing natural birth high. I wish every woman could have the opportunity to feel so powerful and triumphant. Birthing my baby naturally helped me to trust my body and see how strong and powerful I am. I am a woman. I was made to do this.

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