Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Birth of my Son, John: THE birth

Right before I reached 37 weeks, I moved to my mom and dad's house from our (just moved there 2 weeks before) house in Paris, Tx so I could be closer to the birth center. My parent's house is around 30ish minutes away and Paris is around 2 hours. At my 37 week appointment, Jean, my midwife and Patty, my birth assistant/midwife and I talked about some fear I was having of Wes not being able to make it to the birth since we thought I would go pretty quickly once things started. My birth with Nora from start to finish was around 4.5 hours. Mel, my sister, was by my side and went to appointments with me, and helped with Nora and was all set up to be my partner weather Wes was able to make it or not. We discussed an option of trying some non-medical induction methods to see if baby could be urged to come when Wes was in town. At my 37 week appointment I was around 3cm and 60ish percent effaced or thinned with baby's head engaged. Conditions were favorable so we decided when Wes came on Sunday, we would meet at the birth center and see if we could get some things going. If we were unable, I resigned myself to the fact that baby just wasn't ready and I would be ok with that too. I called one of my best friends, Jane and asked her if it would be ok if I labored at her house in Denton and just relaxed around there on Sunday while we were waiting for baby. Of course she said yes. I also found out that at my 36 week blood draw that my platelets were low so I would need to have a heplock in case I needed pitocin for postpartum hemorrhage. I was pretty pissed about that and really didn't want it but believed it was a valid concern.
I wanted Nora to be at the birth and for her to see the baby come out and share that special experience with her. The plan was as follows; meet Jean at the birth center on Sunday morning at around 10, do a membrane strip, go walk and pump to see if anything would get started, IF contractions started and stayed regular we would call mom and dad and have them bring Nora to see the birth then we all go home together. 

Wes got to my parents house on Saturday night and I felt so relieved. I had some more prodromal labor that night and wasn't able to sleep much. We woke up Sunday morning and I put on comfy clothes (aka:the only pants that fit me), and some tennis shoes so I could walk Jane's neighborhood. I said goodbye to Nora and hugged her hard thinking it MAY be the last time she was my only child. My stomach was in knots. It was kind of a dreary, foggy, gray day. Cool outside but not enough for more than a jacket. We met Jean at the birth center and she checked me and I was still 3ish cm and 60 or so percent effaced. She did a membrane strip on me, which is separating the amniotic sac from the uterus which hurts really freaking bad. Its like a damn rotor rooter up your vagina. This was around 10:30 or so. She told us to go walk and pump and meet her back at around 1 or so to check again and we would evaluate from there. We went to Jane's house and Wes sat in the kitchen with Jason and BSed for a little while while Mel and I talked to Jane while she got ready to go to a family thing. We decided to go walk and I had a few contractions but nothing really time-able and we started back to Jane's as they were leaving. We watched an episode or 2 of That 70s Show and then at was about time to go back to the birth center to get checked again. I was at a 4/5 and pretty thinned out. Jean put some evening primrose oil caps in, and I put on a diaper, I mean huge uncomfortable pad. Like the huge kind that you swear everyone can see through your pants? I hate it. We went to Which Wich to eat. By this time it was around 2:00 or so? It took them literally an hour to get our sandwiches made and out to us. I was hungry and annoyed. Right as I started eating, I had a contraction. A real one. A breathe through it one. Then another like not even 5 minutes later. This pattern continued and we decided maybe we should go walk around the college campus across the street from the birth center. We got over there maybe 20 minutes after my first contraction it was around 4:15? and Patty checked me and I was at a 7 and fully effaced. I walked a little bit for a little bit more. I decided I wanted to go inside and rock on the ball. We were talking and listening to Motown and 60s/70s music and I starting thinking I may want to get in the tub and asked Patty to maybe start filling it up since it takes FOREVER. I put my hair up in a pony tail and I knew, it was getting serious. I went to the bathroom like 5 or more times in the next 30 minutes and continued contracting closer and closer together. I wanted in the tub. Now. It wasn't all the way full but I didn't care. Mel changed the music to Iron and Wine station. I hadn't planned a water birth because I didn't like the feeling of buoyancy with Nora and couldn't figure out how to arrange myself. Patty asked me what was important for this birth and I told her I wanted my body to push by itself and I wanted Wes to announce the sex. I had to get out of the tub and poop again and also get my heplock in. This was maybe at like 5/515? I was feeling kinda pushy but was telling myself all the corny birth and doula things like low noises, let the waves flow over you. I had to lay still on the bed and get the damn heplock in and I just really needed back in the damn tub. Ok, back in the tub. I was fully sinking my forehead into my arms, I was facing the side of the tub with legs crossed and holding Wes's hand.  I was allowing myself to just rest and ride the waves and let whatever noises come out, be low and loose. We had only been at the birth center for maybe like an hour? Mel texted Mom and dad and told them they needed to head that way. Then she said, quickly! You need to come! I said out loud I really needed to poop again and let out a really primal groan and Patty came in and told me, No you don't! Thats your baby! Sure enough, I looked down fully expecting to see poop all in the tub and half my baby's head was halfway out! My body was totally in control and I was just along for the ride. Wes was holding my hand tightly. My body pushed again and baby was out to the shoulders! One last push and baby was out. 2/16/14 at 6:24pm.  I was in complete and utter shock. I had just gotten in the tub! How is the baby already here? As Patty lifted the baby up I saw his testicles and said, "Its a boy. Sorry Wes." I had told him he could announce it so I felt bad. My sister sent a text with a picture of his face to my parents. They came in a few minutes later and Wes got to announce that he was a boy! I was totally not expecting a boy. I felt deep down that he might be a boy but I just couldn't imagine having a boy. I was kind of in shock. No, I was in shock. It took me a a minute (a few days) to settle into the fact that I had a son. I had 1 tiny tear that didn't require stitched and got a bag of saline since I already had the damn heplock in that I ended up not needing at all. He nursed for a pretty good while and then I was ready to be home. I felt really good. Much better than after Nora's birth. I lost was less blood and after the mandatory 2 hours, we went home and got in bed. Nora was totally enamored with the baby but was kind of put off that I couldn't just hold her anymore. I looked at both my sleeping babies. I of course didn't sleep at all because I was a crazy ball of adrenaline and birth hormones but I felt good. I had kidS now. Two of them! 

Part 3: Postpartum healing and adjustment is coming! 

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